CEO CORNER - MAY 8, 2023

Dear Shareholders,

Atacama management has received a number of shareholder comments recently that have expressed disappointment and skepticism regarding the ability of Atacama’s management team to move the company forward as promised.  These negative comments must be addressed.

As the CEO of Atacama, I promised to be transparent and provide pertinent information that confirms our forward progress, and I have endeavored to do so.  However, it is not easy to be transparent and still meet the SEC rules and regulations that prohibit the release of what is considered inside information. 

Atacama is working with government regulatory agencies in both the United States and Canada and the company has to be very careful regarding information released.  In fact, I was mandated in March to remove one of my CEO corner messages and delete a tweet that a regulatory body deemed inappropriate.

What I can tell everyone is that the CTO issue is moving forward at a very rapid pace.  Atacama has no control over the timing of the release as it is in the hands of third parties and we cannot control their schedules.  In other areas progress is real with Atacama and great things are happening in the background.

I realize that shareholders can expect to be kept informed of all important activities, hence the CEO corner, but with regulatory oversight, the company must be careful.

As a shareholder it is imperative that your management team gets your undivided support so that we can move this company forward at a fast pace.   Shareholders have every reason to be excited about the future of Atacama.

Glenn Grant

Glenn Grant